Empowering Diwali: The Festival of Lights, Joy, and Inner Radiance


Diwali is one of the most celebrated in India as well as worldwide by Hindus, sometimes it’s called Deepavali. All family members come together to celebrate this festival of lights. This post will focus on the origins, cultural importance of Diwali etc.

What is Diwali?

Diwali is derived from the Sanskrit term “Deepavali,” from which, means “rows of lamps” or “festival of lights.” This festival is represents the victory of good over evil and light over darkness. This festival is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists which usually lasts for five days, with considerable excitement.

When it is Celebrated?

Diwali falls in the Hindu month of Kartika, usually in October or November, depending on the lunar calendar. The date of Deepavali varies each year, following the cycle of the moon. Usually, Diwali is celebrated on the third day of the festival, which is known as “Lakshmi Puja.”

How Long is Celebrated?

Diwali spans five days, with each day having its own significance and customs. It begins with Dhanteras, followed by Naraka Chaturdashi (Choti Diwali), the main day of Diwali (Lakshmi Puja), Govardhan Puja, and ends with Bhai Dooj.

What are the Different Days of Diwali Called?

1. Dhanteras: This marks the beginning of Diwali. It is a day dedicated to wealth and prosperity.

2. Naraka Chaturdashi (Choti Diwali): This day commemorates the victory of Lord Krishna over the demon Narakasura.

3. Lakshmi Puja: The main day is when the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, is worshipped.

4. Govardhan Puja: Celebrated in some regions, it honors Lord Krishna’s lifting of the Govardhan Hill to protect the villagers from torrential rain.

5. Bhai Dooj: A day to celebrate the relationship between brothers and sisters.

What is the Significance of Each Day?

– Dhanteras is believed to bring wealth and good fortune to households.

– Naraka Chaturdashi symbolizes the triumph of good over evil.

– Lakshmi Puja is dedicated to inviting wealth and prosperity into homes.

– Govardhan Puja underscores the importance of environmental conservation.

Bhai Dooj strengthens the relationship between brothers and sisters.

How Do People Celebrate?

Diwali celebrations vary across regions, but common practices include cleaning and decorating homes, wearing new clothes, lighting oil lamps and candles, creating intricate rangoli designs, exchanging gifts, and preparing delicious meals.

What are Some of the Traditional Foods Eaten?

Diwali is a time for sumptuous feasts and a variety of delectable dishes. Some popular foods include sweets like gulab jamun, jalebi, and laddoos, savory snacks like samosas and pakoras, and special rice and lentil dishes.

What Importance Do Fireworks Perform in this Festival?

Deepavali is not complete without fireworks, representing the victory of light over darkness. They are thought to keep bad spirits away. However, it’s essential to celebrate safely and consider the environmental impact of fireworks.

What is the Significance of Diyas and Candles in this Celebrations?

The lighting of oil lamps (diyas) and candles is central to Diwali. It symbolizes the dispelling of darkness and the invitation of positive energy into homes. The soft glow of these lights creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

What is the Significance of Rangoli in Celebrations?

Rangoli is a decorative art form created using colored powders, rice, or flower petals. Rangoli is a way to decorate the entrance and courtyard, symbolizing beauty, creativity, and the welcoming of guests.

Why Is It Important to Wear New Clothes?

Wearing new clothes is considered auspicious. It represents a fresh start, the shedding of old habits, and the embracing of positivity and goodness.

What is the Significance of Giving Gifts?

Exchanging gifts is a way to strengthen bonds and show appreciation. It reflects the spirit of giving and sharing that the festival embodies.

How Can I Have an Eco-Friendly and Green?

To celebrate a green Diwali, consider using eco-friendly fireworks, reducing noise pollution, and minimizing single-use plastics. Additionally, support local artisans and choose sustainable decoration options.

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