Mahadev Temple in Deobaloda: Embracing the Divine Tranquility of Sacred Worship

Mahadev Temple

The Mahadev Temple in Deobaloda, situated in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, is a sacred edifice dedicated to Lord Shiva. This temple is constructed during the Kalchuri Period and holds significant historical and cultural importance. The Archaeological Survey of India has designated the Shiva Temple as a protected monument, and it serves as a witness to the region’s rich legacy.

The temple becomes a focal point for worshipers from adjacent villages on the auspicious event of Mahashivratri. They converge at this sacred site seeking the divine blessings of Lord Shiva. The atmosphere is charged with spiritual fervor as the devotees participate in rituals and prayers. The Mahashivratri celebration is not just a religious event but also a vibrant gathering with a small fair accompanying the festivities.

The temple, with its intricate architecture and historical resonance, attracts a high influx of visitors during Mahashivratri, becoming a hub of spiritual and communal activities. This annual celebration adds a cultural vibrancy to the serene surroundings of Deobaloda, making the Mahadev Temple a cherished place of worship and festivity.

Overview of Mahadev Temple

The Mahadev Temple in Deobaloda is an ancient structure dating back to the 13th century AD, built by the Kalchuris. The temple’s construction, according to local legend, was incredibly quick, taking only six months to finish. Because of its effectiveness, the temple is informally known as the “6 Maashi” temple, where “Maashi” translates six months in English.

The temple’s historical significance is heightened by a Kund, a sacred reservoir or tank, within its premises. The concept that the temple is connected to the historic town of Arang in Chhattisgarh via an underground tunnel is a fascinating feature of the temple’s folklore. This adds mystery to the temple’s past by tying it to another prominent place in the region.

The Mahadev Temple, with its quick construction and legendary links, is a monument to the Kalchuris’ architectural talent and the rich storylines woven into Chhattisgarh’s cultural fabric.

Architecture of Mahadev Temple

The Mahadev Temple in Deobaloda is an east-facing structure, constructed with sandstone. The temple comprises a Garbhagriha (sanctum sanctorum) and a pillared Navaranga Mandapa (hall). Although the shikhara, built in Nagara style, is currently missing, the temple retains its architectural and artistic significance.

Within the Garbhagriha, there is a Shiva Linga approximately 1.5 feet in height. Access to the sanctum is through a highly ornate door entrance guarded by Shaiva Dwarpalas. Inside the Garbhagriha, various idols can be found, including those of Goddess Parvati, Ganesha, Hanuman, and others. The pillars of the mandapa are adorned with images of Bhairava, Vishnu, Mahishasur Mardini (a form of Devi Durga who defeated the demon Mahishasura), Shiva, musicians, dancers, and Kirtimukha designs.

The exterior of the temple near the entrance is embellished with a decorated band featuring images of Gaja (elephants), Asva (horses), and Nara (human figures). Notably, the temple wall has two decorated segments adorned with depictions of Tripurantaka Siva, Gajantaka Siva, Narasimha, Radha Krishna, Ganesh, Varaha, Lakshmi, and other gods and goddesses. Pictorial representations of hunting scenes, hunters, and bullfighting adorn the temple walls.

A Nandi (bull) is positioned in front of the temple, seemingly standing guard. The temple courtyard includes a shed resembling a storehouse, housing antique idols and statues discovered during excavations, likely associated with the temple’s historical past. This collection offers a glimpse into the archaeological richness and cultural heritage preserved within the temple complex.


According to local legend, the sculptor engaged in building the Mahadev Temple became so absorbed in his work that he neglected his attire, eventually working naked day and night to complete the construction. His wife would bring him food, but one day, when his sister visited, both were embarrassed by his state of undress. In an attempt to conceal himself, the sculptor leaped from the rooftop into the Kund, a holy pond within the temple complex.

Witnessing this, his sister also jumped into a nearby pond. Both the pond and the Kund still exist, with the pond being known as Kasara Talab. Legend has it that the sister was carrying a Kalasha for water, and a Kalash-type stone remains at the site.

Local beliefs suggest the presence of a hidden tunnel inside the Kund that purportedly leads to a temple in Arang. When the sculptor jumped into the Kund, he is said to have discovered the tunnel and reached Aaang, where he transformed into a stone. Subsequently, the Bhanadeva temple was erected at that location.

The Kund is characterized by 23 steps and two wells beside it. One of the wells is noteworthy for its continuous flow of water, a feature that has endured over time and holds significance in the local narrative. The tale weaves together elements of devotion, mystique, and the enduring connection between the Mahadev Temple and its surroundings.

Temple Location

The Mahadev Temple is located in the small town of Deobaloda in Bhilai Charoda and boasts convenient transportation access. For those traveling by road, the temple is well-connected through the National Highway, situated approximately 20 km from the capital city of Raipur and about 15 km from Bhilai Nagar. The town is easily accessible for road travelers.

If you prefer train travel, the Deobaloda Charoda Railway Station is situated in close proximity to the temple. This station serves as a stop for both local and passenger trains, facilitating easy access for visitors arriving by rail.

For air travel, the nearest airport is Swami Vivekananda Airport in Raipur. This airport serves as a convenient gateway for those flying into the region to visit the Mahadev Temple in Deobaloda. The combination of road, rail, and air connectivity ensures that visitors have multiple options for reaching and experiencing this significant temple in Chhattisgarh.

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